Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Names and Labels

Why are they even allowed
For there not right
I have labels
Some I love
And some I hate
And some I just don’t get
Why is it that you can call me something
But if I call you that you get mad
Sometimes I wish we never met
Because everything just goes wrong
Nobody talking
And in a big fight
We try to make things better
But they just get worse
So now I think
What is the point
Why did we even met
For now I need new friends
Because I can’t trust you
And don’t like you
For my life is over because of you
So why the names
And why the labels
Its because you don’t care
You don’t care about hurting me
For you want me to cry
But I will stay strong
For I tries all I could.

Angela K. Woodman

Thursday, January 10, 2008


Wish upon a star
Rub a lantern
Toss a coin
But no luck
Cause your not here
By my side
One more try
You are now here
But is it real
Or is it a dream
Because that is how it seems
It feels make believe
But you are there
I feel your touch
I feel you warmth
So my heart knows
That you are real
One day things go down
You don't see it at first
So you blow it off
All of a sudden gone
At first don't cry
It is just a thing
2 weeks later you hurt but don't know why
So you think hard
Then you cry
Your friends there to help
One to talk to
And the other to calm you
But the friends only help a little
One more friend
He asks what is wrong
I tell him because I trust him
I feel better now
But me heart is still ripped
My dream was real
But it was hard to believe
My dream came true
But crumbled at the end
What a dream

Angela K. Woodman1/4/08

Let me know what you think.

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Out and About

Water flows through the cracks.
Like rats in a maze…
Soft light pours into the streets
Cleansing the road
In the last breath of the day

The cold drizzle
Relives the neck
She’s laughing because…
She has my umbrella
In the first breath of the night

Pipe smoke and salt hit the nostrils
As we come in out of the rain
Smiles and laughs…
Soup, coffee, and a cigarette
To scare away the chills,
As the night continues breathing,

Hit the streets again
Still raining…
So she shares the umbrella
Starting home
For warmth and sleep
In The last breath of the night

Monday, December 10, 2007

A pretty smile

A pretty smile
On a worried face

She says everything is fine
But really she wants to die

Nobody will notice
She thinks to herself

She decides not to go through with it
Instead she falls asleep

She’s to focused on
What others think
What they’ll say

Soap operas playing in her head
Crying her self to sleep
Every night

When she wakes up
She’s back to

She hides her thoughts
With a laugh and smile

Oh what a pretty smile
To bad no one knows
What it hides

What she hides with that
Pretty smile
What do you think?

Friday, November 2, 2007

Secret Man

One is the best
You help me with my stress
Two shows your eyes
That makes me feel alive
Three is your smile
That is there when I am sad
Four is because you are there
To comfort me when needed most
Five is the most important
Love all the way threw
Where are you my secret man
You seem to be hiding from me
I like five different people
But no one gives me everything
I want you but you are taken
Also everyone else
What should I do my secret man
I try to hide from everyone else
But you are not helping out
I want you in my life secret man
I don’t want to put you aside
Because maybe you’re the one
That I was looking for
I wish I could just tell you
But you wont understand
So now back to the beginning of
Where is my secret man

Angela K. Woodman

I when I wrote this poem I did not really like it at first. So I asked some of my friends what they thought about it. Well they said it was good so now you all can read it. Let me know what you think.

The five step like things are five things that are in my secret man.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ha Ha... I Win!

We raise our glasses
To you my friend.

We make speeches
and we applaud.
You've helped us through so much.

You're in the front row,
red faced and modest,
but seeming quite content.

Dinner we spent
white sauce, red wine
who gets the last bread stick,
to celebrate you.

What's for dessert?.....

It doesn't feel like you should go.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Why are you this way
I did nothing to you
I never lied to you
Or called you names
All I did was be your friend
I tried to be nice
But when you weren't
It was hard for me
To stay friends with you
For I tried to be your friend
I am giving up now
For you hate me
And I don't know you
Our friendshiip is gone
I wish it was still together
What happened to us
Why did we change
We are differnet now
1 year later
I have changed
I put it all behind me
But you have not changed one bit
You still holding on
Why our friendship

Angela K.Woodman

I wrote this poem yesterday because I had a friend that I lost a long time ago. Her and I never were really close.

I don't have a title for this poem yet. If you think of something please let me know.