Friday, May 4, 2007

I sit below an apple tree.

I sit below an apple tree
And watch the day before me
The woods are calm and so am I
With a good book by my side
When it starts to rain
I know that things are ok
Cause I have a poncho
And a thermos
With a little bit of cocoa
I was comfortable just sitting
When an apple fell from the tree


And landed on top of me
A little melodramatic
I didn’t discover gravity

Or anything…

News is good
But a story’s better
Especially when it’s funny
When a writer cares
It’s never about money.


I want to roll down this hill
Just to see if I get hurt
Maybe I won’t
Maybe I will
I double-dog dare me.
As I sit below this apple tree.


Ali(solation) said...

Thats a really cool poem.

Emi Hernandez said...

I like this poem. It's pretty awsome.

Anonymous said...

Once again, I envy your gift. If I had the ability to write poetry, it's buried deep, deep inside me somewhere. I'm not sure I'll ever find it.