Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Depth of Despair

She walks through the creepy depth of despair
Hearinga howl in the night
Wondering which way to take
The howls get louder
As she walks more and more
The howls get closer
As she get creep more
She walks faster through the creepy depth of despair
As she wonders more
The howls get louder and louder
As she walks more
The howls get closer and closer
Makeing her dreped out more
The howls stop
Suddenly it's quite
And she doesn't know why
As soon as she turns around
A howl comes up to her face
And takes her life away

I wrote this poem last year. Not sure what it is about. I just thought of it and so I wrote it down. And now I am writing it for you guys. Hope you like it....

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