Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Out and About

Water flows through the cracks.
Like rats in a maze…
Soft light pours into the streets
Cleansing the road
In the last breath of the day

The cold drizzle
Relives the neck
She’s laughing because…
She has my umbrella
In the first breath of the night

Pipe smoke and salt hit the nostrils
As we come in out of the rain
Smiles and laughs…
Soup, coffee, and a cigarette
To scare away the chills,
As the night continues breathing,

Hit the streets again
Still raining…
So she shares the umbrella
Starting home
For warmth and sleep
In The last breath of the night

Monday, December 10, 2007

A pretty smile

A pretty smile
On a worried face

She says everything is fine
But really she wants to die

Nobody will notice
She thinks to herself

She decides not to go through with it
Instead she falls asleep

She’s to focused on
What others think
What they’ll say

Soap operas playing in her head
Crying her self to sleep
Every night

When she wakes up
She’s back to

She hides her thoughts
With a laugh and smile

Oh what a pretty smile
To bad no one knows
What it hides

What she hides with that
Pretty smile
What do you think?

Friday, November 2, 2007

Secret Man

One is the best
You help me with my stress
Two shows your eyes
That makes me feel alive
Three is your smile
That is there when I am sad
Four is because you are there
To comfort me when needed most
Five is the most important
Love all the way threw
Where are you my secret man
You seem to be hiding from me
I like five different people
But no one gives me everything
I want you but you are taken
Also everyone else
What should I do my secret man
I try to hide from everyone else
But you are not helping out
I want you in my life secret man
I don’t want to put you aside
Because maybe you’re the one
That I was looking for
I wish I could just tell you
But you wont understand
So now back to the beginning of
Where is my secret man

Angela K. Woodman

I when I wrote this poem I did not really like it at first. So I asked some of my friends what they thought about it. Well they said it was good so now you all can read it. Let me know what you think.

The five step like things are five things that are in my secret man.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Ha Ha... I Win!

We raise our glasses
To you my friend.

We make speeches
and we applaud.
You've helped us through so much.

You're in the front row,
red faced and modest,
but seeming quite content.

Dinner we spent
white sauce, red wine
who gets the last bread stick,
to celebrate you.

What's for dessert?.....

It doesn't feel like you should go.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Why are you this way
I did nothing to you
I never lied to you
Or called you names
All I did was be your friend
I tried to be nice
But when you weren't
It was hard for me
To stay friends with you
For I tried to be your friend
I am giving up now
For you hate me
And I don't know you
Our friendshiip is gone
I wish it was still together
What happened to us
Why did we change
We are differnet now
1 year later
I have changed
I put it all behind me
But you have not changed one bit
You still holding on
Why our friendship

Angela K.Woodman

I wrote this poem yesterday because I had a friend that I lost a long time ago. Her and I never were really close.

I don't have a title for this poem yet. If you think of something please let me know.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Too scared to say

Too scared to say

Writing letters that
Will never get sent

Replaying songs
In my head

Replaying scenes
That I dread

Every time I think
Of you when
I hear that song
On the radio

Do you feel?
The same way

Tossing and turning
Thinking of you

Think of what
You’ll say

The day I
Say it

The day I
Tell you how I feel

Hey, this is something I wrote over the summer, hope you like it.

Monday, June 4, 2007

Love Has....

You fall in love with someone
And, all of the sudden you both start planning
When you want to have kids?
When you want to get married?
What you both want to do with your life?
But, in the end you look back on all of this
And realize
That is was love that made all of this happen
Love has...
The power that brought you guys together
Love has...
The bond that you can't share with anyone else
Love has...
The gift for you that you can't share with anyone else
After you realize what love brought you
You think
That if it wasn't for love
Where would I be?
What would I be doing?
Where would my life go?

This is my last poem I am going to post. Hope you love reading it....

Monday, May 21, 2007

I don't....

I don’t have much to say
I don’t have the words
To say what I feel

I don’t know
What I want
Or who I am

I don’t want to
Say to you

I don’t have
Anything to say

But you can go ahead
And talk away

I don’t what
You want me to

I don’t know what
To do

Is life without you
Better or worse

If you have something
To say then say it

Say to my face

I don’t know how
To feel about this

I don’t know how
To talk to you
Or if I want too

I am lost and
And don’t know
What to do

I don’t know if
I Can take this anymore

Each Other

We need each other
For we have problems
Are lives are the same in many ways
Problems back and forth
We need each other
I will help you
As you would do for me
We know when help is needed
Even with out asking
WE have a close relationship like that
So cry on my shoulder
And talk with me
For I am here for you
I will help you threw it all
The pain and misery
For I know what you are going threw
That is why I am glad to call you
My friend

Angela K. Woodman

I have not posted a poem recently so I decided to post today. I hope you like it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Love for Another

Loving you
Was once a crime
Not knowing what to do
Or how to say it
But loving you
Like a sister
Made it all the difference
Then knowing it was a mistake
Taking you in
Being part of the family
Was just a lie
Getting close to someone
Just to break their heart
One right after another

I just thought of this poem like a second ago. And I thought you guys would like to read it. Enjoy...

Monday, May 14, 2007

Goodbye to Romance

She wonders through the night
Thinking of everything that made her happy
The way she would laugh
The way she would smile
The way she had the look on her face
When her boyfriend was taking her out
But now, all that happiness is gone
The laugh is gone, the smile is gone
The boyfriend is gone, everything is gone
She wonders through the night
Thinking of how her life is ruined
Her boyfriend died
Her parents didn't want her
SHe had no where to go
Nothing to make her happy
All she is now
Is sad, since everything is gone
She is sad all the time
And, no one to make her happy

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Depth of Despair

She walks through the creepy depth of despair
Hearinga howl in the night
Wondering which way to take
The howls get louder
As she walks more and more
The howls get closer
As she get creep more
She walks faster through the creepy depth of despair
As she wonders more
The howls get louder and louder
As she walks more
The howls get closer and closer
Makeing her dreped out more
The howls stop
Suddenly it's quite
And she doesn't know why
As soon as she turns around
A howl comes up to her face
And takes her life away

I wrote this poem last year. Not sure what it is about. I just thought of it and so I wrote it down. And now I am writing it for you guys. Hope you like it....

Monday, May 7, 2007

Shadows In The Wind...

I hear a voice cry through the win
I see a shadow in the air
I feel a thought in my mind
Shadows are in the wind

The cry gets louder through the wind
The shadow fades in the air
The thought get bigger in the wind
Shadows are in the wind

The cry is gone
The shadow is gone
The thought is gone
Shadows in the wind are gone

I wrote this poem about a few years back. This poem is about my Grandma McGinnis. She died about 4 years ago. And this poem is dedicated to her....

Friday, May 4, 2007

I sit below an apple tree.

I sit below an apple tree
And watch the day before me
The woods are calm and so am I
With a good book by my side
When it starts to rain
I know that things are ok
Cause I have a poncho
And a thermos
With a little bit of cocoa
I was comfortable just sitting
When an apple fell from the tree


And landed on top of me
A little melodramatic
I didn’t discover gravity

Or anything…

News is good
But a story’s better
Especially when it’s funny
When a writer cares
It’s never about money.


I want to roll down this hill
Just to see if I get hurt
Maybe I won’t
Maybe I will
I double-dog dare me.
As I sit below this apple tree.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Who Am I?

When I look at myself,
I see someone in side of me,
Who tells me something every
day that just be yourself instead
of someone else. Be yourself toher
wise on one will like you
Let people find out who you
really are. Because if you don't
how will people know who you really
are! One thing I know is don't judge
yourself god made you the way you
are!! That is what's important.
Don't let anyone fool you of
who you are.

I wrote this poem when I first came to this school because I was afraid that I wouldn't fit in with everyone else. So I hope you like what I wrote for you.....

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tha Pain...

He suffers from the pain
Not knowing where it came from
Not knowing what to do about it
How did it get here, when is it going to leave
The pain must be strong, if he won't let go
Not knowing what to say, not knowing what to think
Just looking sad like your heart was broken
Like there is nothing left of you to fill your heart
The pain must be strong, not knowing
What is wrong with you
Looking said like your heart was broken
Hopefully it's not
Hopefully everything is going to be all right
The pain should go away, the pain must go away
So, your heart can get filled with happiness
And so you dont' have to deal
With the pain, no more

I thought of this poem last year. Not sure what was going through my mind at the time, but this poem came out of my head so I wrote it down. hope you all like it...

Monday, April 30, 2007

Senor General Comrade Commissar Bumchuckles

You smell funny
Your teeth are crooked

Liar-Liar, pants on fire
Hang ‘em high on a telephone wire

Stick out your tongue
Got your nose
Lose my shoe
Show your toes

Hooves and lips
Crocodile tips

Cheese and crackers
Sour lip-smackers

The fickle cookie dough
Never seemed to make it to the oven
I laugh now
At the essence of being a child.

Thursday, April 26, 2007


It’s the beginning of
a new era

I had enough
I thought you
should know

it’s over
I found something
Something better

With out hate
And sadness

I need to get over it
And you’re no help

You left me so
Depressed and mad

I’m over you
But can’t forget
The way you treated me

You used me than
Threw me away

I was going to add something in something in spanish. But for right now I'll leave it out.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I'm Sick

I hope you enjoy reading.

I’m Sick
And Tired
You keep going back and forth
Make up your mind
You are driving me crazy
Why are you doing this
What is so funny about it
I see no humor in it
So why
For I am sick of it
Give me my space
For it is not working
Are friendship is not here
Why did I forgive you
For now I know
It was not
The best choice

I’m sick


Life without you is hard
Life with you is even harder
Can I open up to you or
are you going to tear me down?
Are you trustworthy or
are you going to break my heart?
So confused
So lost in my feelings
My heart is telling me
I should stay with you
My feeling are pulling me apart inside
I can't decide, it's just to hard
You mean more to me that you will ever know
But you are gone from my life
You'll never come back
Am I betraying you somehow
By moving on?

I dedicate this to my ex boyfriend. He committed suicide last year.

Thursday, April 12, 2007

This is a poem written by Kurt Vonnegut in tha book "Man Without a Country". I know It's not original but he died last night.

When the last living thing
has died on account of us,
how poetical it would be
if Earth could say,
in a voice floating up
from the floor
of the Grand Canyon,
“It is done.”
People did not like it here

Monday, April 2, 2007

No Faze...

I said I loved you
I said I would miss you
But the thing is
You left
And it didn’t even bother me
Did I actually love you?
Would I really miss you?
I don’t know
Your love should hurt
But I feel no burn
I should be dying inside
But the thing is
It didn’t faze me then
And it doesn’t faze me now

I hope you like this poem. I know I can do better but, I just thought of this over the weekend. So, hope you like reading it...

Thursday, March 29, 2007


Well this poem had nothing to do with people in Sparta. It is for my best friends in Menominee, MI.

The tears run down
All I can say is thanks
I wish I was crying with you
I miss us together
I wish we were together
Why am I not with you
We are suppose to be together
I miss all our crazy things
Just memories left with us
I wish we could be together
Forever and always
I miss being with you
We will stay friends forever
What ever gets in our way
We will stop it from separating us
Our friendship will never brake
I cry with and without you
I still wish we were together
Friends like us will stay together
Forever and always
That is why I am glad
We are friends forever

Angela K. Woodman

The old tavern

Cobblestone Street
Raining and cold
Soft light and laughter pour out of a nearby window
A small tavern
Everyone’s welcome
As you enter the smell of mint and pipe-smoke hit your nostrils
And everyone says hi
Even though you’re a stranger.
A quiet, young man tunes his guitar in the corner
But it sounds more rhythmic than any song you’ve ever heard
A boy plays a harmonica
A song his father taught him
The barkeep’s daughter is a waitress
She hands me a sandwich with a soft smile
“ You look hungry. The first one’s free, but we don’t count.”
It seems they only charged the men in uniform
And they were too drunk to notice.
An hour goes by
The man is still tuning the guitar
And the boy has fallen asleep
Curled up in his chair
The night is ending
I think I’ll stay here tonight
The barkeep has a spare room
Right after I finish my sandwich
And leave the waitress a tip.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I’m sorry if I ever hurt you.
I’m sorry if I ever lied to you.
All that matters now though,
Is that we are together
And I will never let you go again.
I love you too much
To make this mistake again
Now I can tell you
What I should have told you,
A long time ago. I love you.

Monday, March 26, 2007

Pain and Sorrow

First you stab me
Then you say sorry
I don’t forgive you
You do it again
Still not forgiven
I will never forgive you
You hurt me too many times
Get out of my life forever
I don’t need you anymore
I have better things to do
Then be friends with you

Angela K. Woodman

I hope you enjoy reading.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Fear of Love

I don't know if any of you will liek this one or not. Some girls might. But i was doing a project and I thought this one that I wrote was kind of cool. So I guess enjoy!

Fear of love

I have this thing inside me, I think its love
I think I’m in love
But for some reason I am scared
I am scared
This thing inside, I hide from
It will come someday but for now, I will stay away
If they’re the right one I won’t be scared, RIGHT
I don’t want to be scared anymore
I have a fear of love, I will admit it
I want to be fearless, But cant
I want to love, But it hurts so much I have to stay away
This feeling, sensation called love, Its scary
I have a fear of love.

Lone Wolf

" To soar like an eagle "
" To float like a feather "
are just two ways I've heard people
say that love makes them feel
The times that I said " I love you "
I felt like a wolf seeing the moon
I feel like I have come from the darkness into the light of the moon
but could do no more...
I could see and feel it's light,
and yet...
never know it's touch or even its pure warmth
I merely know its affect on others
From where I was I could not reach it
but I could see the birds flying to it
Being so close to it and yet...
still to far.
Alas, all I could do was watch the others
See, feel, and absorb the light without me
Then when I look around and see no one
I finally understand,
I am truly alone......



Leaves dash a cross the sandy streets of my hometown
Some impeded not crushed by the occasional passing car
A softball game stirs the otherwise silent afternoon
The sharp connection of aluminum and pleather
The spectators hoot and howl lackadaisically
Present for the people and spirits rather than the game
Kids run along the sidewalk a cross the street in a game of super soaker induced cops and robbers
Laughing and unloading their liquid based firearms
Glee and mirth soak them to the core
Innocent and clean
One by one they are called in for dinner
The teams shake hands after a 3-2 victory for Sam’s Bar
But leaves still dance tirelessly around the neighbor hood
The sun seems to slide unwanting, out of sight
Its muffled glow warms the streets
The trains sing their lullabies and I am slept Leaving naught but wet footprints, bottles and someone’s Big Mac box to decorate the comforting halls of yesterhome

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


There are times when I'm just a shell
When I do not feel anything for anyone
All I feel is hollow and bruised
Used up and misused
Forced to be someone I don't want to be
Have I failed somehow or someway
Will the weight of today finally pull me down
Into the depths of despair
Where I am alone
Except for my rage.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007


Here's one I wrote about our beloved President's best pal...


The title he’s stolen
It fits
Because his hands tighten
Ever closing the gap between one another
The grasp enveloping
Choking, smothering
Many a victim lay around him
The last
A work in progress
It claws, pulls, and attempts to scream
Its efforts slow
It gives up
Life escapes it
Yet he continues to constrict and wring
Whites of the eyes Dick
Whites of the eyes

My Friend

Life is full of twist and turns
Will abound,
But you’re the greatest friend
I have ever found.
We are like toes to feet
Or a sock to a shoe.
We some how fit
You’re the paper and I’m the glue
You’re always there
When I’m in need
And in your heart
I find not one ounce of greed.
Whenever you’re sad or blue
My heart goes out to you.
One of these days
Love, you will surely find,
But keep a good hold on your heart and mind.
And on that day you’re put to the test
I know your light will out shine the rest
Even if I’m not there
Don’t fear,
‘Cause in your heart
I’m always near.
I see people stop in awe of your shine,
And I’m so proud you’re a friend of mine.
So greet today with a smile upon your face,
And step into life with a brand new pace.

I dedicate this particular poem to my more loyal and true friends that I have.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

How Did This Happen?

I tremble in darkness
Afraid of the unseen
Scared of what lurks in the shadows.

I yearn to be free
Unbound from my chains
To run through fields and meadows.

Unable to move
From this place I am in
Will I ever be released?

My doubt and my pain
I hold deep inside of me
Prevent me from finding peace.

Alone in the dark
Trapped forever
I wonder if here I will die.

Falling to the ground
I clench both my fists
And reach them to an unseen sky.

Monday, March 5, 2007

Silent Child

My silent childour precious baby,
Close to my heartI'll keep you with me.
An important job
God has for you,
There is love to give,
and work to do.

He needs an angelstrong but small,
To shine light on many
and give love to all.
Before you goI give you this,
half my heart
and one last kiss.

We'll miss you dearly
that we know,
But by God you were
So to heaven,
you must go

I made this poem for Alison, when her baby passed away. I put it in a card for her. I hope you enjoy it.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Fallen Angel

I reach for the sky, spreading my wings
Even with these wings I cannot fly
For you see my wings are broken
These pure white wings are tainted black
The darkness is keeping me grounded
Seeping through my feathers
My expression, one of longing
I, long to go home, for you see
I’m a fallen angel, one of the worst
An angel who fell in love with a demon
Who was forced out of heaven and shunned by humans
The demons hate me still, even my lover
Who tainted these wings black
I’ve come to hate everything
The demons, the angels, the humans, God
I just want to atone for my sins and go home
But who would take me back
I crumble to the ground and cry
My tainted feathers falling
I beg, pray for forgiveness
I pray for death
It never comes
I pray for mercy
It never comes
This is my
Eternal Hell

I wrote this as I watched Constantine. This has to be one of my all time favorite poems I have written, besides Just Like You!



One time
One chance
One night

One moment
In time

One day
One word
One Way

To make
Everything right

One song
Is all it
Takes for
Everything to
Be gone

One minute
To change your mind

You can lose
With one look

With one touch
One dream
Can be broken
With just one word

I wrote this a couple of mouths ago.

In Good Company

One of few "romantic" pieces I have ever written, I afraid I'm not very good at it.

I left the fire
To sit alone
On a dock that’s too familiar
Waiting for someone to wonder where I’ve gone
Longing for good company
I sit here and wait for a friend
That started this trend
A year ago
Hoping she decides to show up
Kind of pathetic really
We lay on the dock and watched the sunrise
Though I don’t anymore
I can’t seem to sit that long without someone to talk to
And the stars aren’t all that interesting anyway
When they’re not here to see them
I splash my feet in the water and recalled how cold it was
But you insisted on swimming anyway
At 3 a.m.
I said you’d get pneumonia
So you pulled me in too
We eventually pulled ourselves back on the dock
Tried to keep warm
Dawn reared its head
So we decided to go to bed
You were tired so I carried you back to the cabin

When I sit on that dock
It reminds me of that bittersweet weekend
Where I had the best company
With a beautiful girl
And the best conversation
That contained no words

A Common Ground

I'll glad to see there is a common forum for you all to share your writing. There's much to be said for those who are brave enough to share thoughts and feelings that are sometimes personal and private. Poetry, good poetry, is a challenge to write. A single word can change the mood. A single phrase can touch the soul. A single poem can bring let you relive the best and worst of the past. Poems can inspire and make us examine who we are and what we stand for.

Thanks Nathan, for making all that possible. Maybe some day I'll get up the courage to post a poem of my own.

My Friend, The Moon

Well here goes anything. I have just started writing and I'm still pretty self concious about my writings. I hardly show anyone and if I do I ask them not to tell anyone about them. I think this is probably one of my better ones.
Well, Hope you enjoy.

*Sliding through the night.
Guided by the beautiful light of the
I’m humming a tune.
I’m at peace.
Just walking alone,
Barefoot in the twilight.
I’m able to escape my life

I’m feeling comforted in the streetlight.
It’s a wonderful night.
I don’t have a destination.
Just walking, wandering,
Trusting my guide.
The moon.
I hear footsteps.
Recognize them as my own.

Have an urge to run
The sound of my feet hitting the ground
So comforting to know
There is something that I can rely on
The land isn’t going anywhere.
Always there.

I come to a hill.
I stop running and stand still.
Laying down.
Staring at the stars and the
Glowing that calming light
On my face.
I drift off into a dream.

Suddenly flying.
There’s nothing that I am not defying
I look around me,
I see the hill,
Me sleeping,
My city I call my home.
I’m rising, flying.
I keep drifting upwards toward my best friend.
The Moon. *

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Just Like You!

Written with a pen,
Sealed with a kiss,
If you are my friend,
Please tell me this:
Are we friends,
Or are we not?
You told me once,
But I forgot.
So tell me now,
And tell me true,
So I can say
“I’m here for you.”
Of all the friends
I’ve ever met,
You’re the one I won’t forget.
And if I die before you do,
I’ll go to Heaven and wait for you.
I’ll give the angels back their wings
And risk the loss of everything.
There isn’t a thing I wouldn’t do,
To have a friend just like you!

This is the poem that I am planning on saying at the graduation. This poem is dedicated to all of my friends.

Stormy nights

Stormy nights
Rain falls
The drops hit the roof

We lit a fire
To keep warm

I can’t hear any thunder
I can’t see any lighting
But the power out

Candles all around
Lights the way

The storm settle downs
The sun comes up

I go outside the
Smell is still there

The smell that
Was there last
Is still there

The smell of
Stormy, rainy nights
I wrote this a couple of nights ago. I like the smell of rain and I like it when it rains. And I also like candles. Please leave a comment.

Monday, February 26, 2007

One Chance To Many

You said you loved me
But now you don't
You just want to break
It off like nothing happened
What happened to us?
You won't talk to me
You won't tell me anything
You act like I don't exist
Just give me one chance
One chance to talk
But you won't
Why can't I have a chance?
I gave you plently of chances
I want to leave also
But you said no
You said you would change
All I had to do was
Give you a chance
I gave you plently of chances
But I can't have one

Tonya Jean McGinnis

I wrote this when Josh and I broke up. And their is a very long story behind this poem. So I hope you like what I wrote.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Running out of Time

You are runing
Out of time
The days are going by
Very very fast
Weeks and Weeks
But not fast enough
Gone and not back
You are wasting your time
Get back on track
Before you lose by to much
Don't stop or you will not make it
Hurry, Run, Fast
Oh, No
It's too late
Already gone
No more time

Angela K. Woodman

Well I just wrote this one today as you can see. It is not a love or friendship poem. It is actually a sport poem. Well tell me what you think.


Pulling from the reserves eh? I'll post this one. It was on I Hate Wednesday a while ago...

The hand that takes, the hand that feeds.
The hand that lies, the hand that bleeds.
Like an off brand aspirin cured headache the hand comes back 4 hours later. It leaps back in bullet-time, full force, drilling, sawing, carving its message into your synapses. You pop yet another Roundy’s brand tablet and attempt to read the inscription. A message cryptic, with no end, just a mish-mash of adverbs nouns and slightful adjectives. A horror novel you realize towards the edge of the still printing scripture. A series of them all as dark and inconclusive as the next. With no definite beginning or end you try to avert your eyes. You shut them, say a prayer and open to the vast sonnet staring you down. You blink, still there, blink, imposing, blink, growing. Tattooed, burned, the scar tissue that rests in your eyes is still developing. The plot unfolds, characters are developed and there is no aversion, no serenity just the ever self-creating epic scrolling across and down across and down.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

I'm Giving Up

I posted this on Universal Satire a while ago but it's my favorite one.

I’m giving up.
I’m joining the bandwagon.
This thinking, writing, typing,
It’s getting me nowhere,
I want to be stupid,
Have someone else do my thinking for me,
Like a man sitting high in a chair
With dirty hands
Right with blood
Left with oil.
The rest of the people look happy
Maybe I will be too.
The news is too complicated,
Propaganda is simple.
I like simple.
The man in the chair seems nice,
He says he had to get his hands dirty
…… For or freedom.
Because the bad people will come
If he leaves his chair.
The propaganda says that I need to help,
By also getting my hands dirty,
For the sake of patriotism.
The propaganda says that if I don’t agree with him then I am helping the bad people.
That’s simple.
I like simple.
The man in the chair follows an old book,
He says I should follow the old book too,
If I don’t then I’m helping the bad people.
That’s simple too.
I like the bandwagon.
It’s simple,
Simple is nice.
You should join with me.
It would make the man in the chair happy.
Then he doesn’t have to make his hands dirtier.


I am not sure how many of you know much about me but I love to write. Poetry is a big part of my life. I often will right poetry to relieve stress or just to get it out of my head. It is an ancient art never perfected and forever being revolutionized. To that effect I invite you to post your art here. No poem is to angsty, irrational, or gut spilling. Share as little or as much as you like we are here to learn from, draw from, and inspire each other. Please no harsh critiquing. Constructive criticism only. Everyone has their own style and modus operandi.