Friday, November 2, 2007

Secret Man

One is the best
You help me with my stress
Two shows your eyes
That makes me feel alive
Three is your smile
That is there when I am sad
Four is because you are there
To comfort me when needed most
Five is the most important
Love all the way threw
Where are you my secret man
You seem to be hiding from me
I like five different people
But no one gives me everything
I want you but you are taken
Also everyone else
What should I do my secret man
I try to hide from everyone else
But you are not helping out
I want you in my life secret man
I don’t want to put you aside
Because maybe you’re the one
That I was looking for
I wish I could just tell you
But you wont understand
So now back to the beginning of
Where is my secret man

Angela K. Woodman

I when I wrote this poem I did not really like it at first. So I asked some of my friends what they thought about it. Well they said it was good so now you all can read it. Let me know what you think.

The five step like things are five things that are in my secret man.


Becca said...

I think you did a good job on this. Kepp up the good work.

Anonymous said...

You are beginning to find your voice as a writer. As your finding out, writing can be difficult, hard work.

I've always envied writers. To be able to take words and put them together into sentences and put the sentences into paragraphs and put the paragraphs into chapters and put the chapters into a novel, well, it's all so elusive to me.

My son can write. I mean really, really write. He's got a style all his own and perspective like no other and I love to read his words. He's a hero of mine. I only wish I was half the writer he is.

Keep writing. Keep putting your writing out there for others to read and comment on. It will make you better. Just imagine the possibilities of what your writing can be.