Monday, May 21, 2007

I don't....

I don’t have much to say
I don’t have the words
To say what I feel

I don’t know
What I want
Or who I am

I don’t want to
Say to you

I don’t have
Anything to say

But you can go ahead
And talk away

I don’t what
You want me to

I don’t know what
To do

Is life without you
Better or worse

If you have something
To say then say it

Say to my face

I don’t know how
To feel about this

I don’t know how
To talk to you
Or if I want too

I am lost and
And don’t know
What to do

I don’t know if
I Can take this anymore

Each Other

We need each other
For we have problems
Are lives are the same in many ways
Problems back and forth
We need each other
I will help you
As you would do for me
We know when help is needed
Even with out asking
WE have a close relationship like that
So cry on my shoulder
And talk with me
For I am here for you
I will help you threw it all
The pain and misery
For I know what you are going threw
That is why I am glad to call you
My friend

Angela K. Woodman

I have not posted a poem recently so I decided to post today. I hope you like it.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Love for Another

Loving you
Was once a crime
Not knowing what to do
Or how to say it
But loving you
Like a sister
Made it all the difference
Then knowing it was a mistake
Taking you in
Being part of the family
Was just a lie
Getting close to someone
Just to break their heart
One right after another

I just thought of this poem like a second ago. And I thought you guys would like to read it. Enjoy...

Monday, May 14, 2007

Goodbye to Romance

She wonders through the night
Thinking of everything that made her happy
The way she would laugh
The way she would smile
The way she had the look on her face
When her boyfriend was taking her out
But now, all that happiness is gone
The laugh is gone, the smile is gone
The boyfriend is gone, everything is gone
She wonders through the night
Thinking of how her life is ruined
Her boyfriend died
Her parents didn't want her
SHe had no where to go
Nothing to make her happy
All she is now
Is sad, since everything is gone
She is sad all the time
And, no one to make her happy

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Depth of Despair

She walks through the creepy depth of despair
Hearinga howl in the night
Wondering which way to take
The howls get louder
As she walks more and more
The howls get closer
As she get creep more
She walks faster through the creepy depth of despair
As she wonders more
The howls get louder and louder
As she walks more
The howls get closer and closer
Makeing her dreped out more
The howls stop
Suddenly it's quite
And she doesn't know why
As soon as she turns around
A howl comes up to her face
And takes her life away

I wrote this poem last year. Not sure what it is about. I just thought of it and so I wrote it down. And now I am writing it for you guys. Hope you like it....

Monday, May 7, 2007

Shadows In The Wind...

I hear a voice cry through the win
I see a shadow in the air
I feel a thought in my mind
Shadows are in the wind

The cry gets louder through the wind
The shadow fades in the air
The thought get bigger in the wind
Shadows are in the wind

The cry is gone
The shadow is gone
The thought is gone
Shadows in the wind are gone

I wrote this poem about a few years back. This poem is about my Grandma McGinnis. She died about 4 years ago. And this poem is dedicated to her....

Friday, May 4, 2007

I sit below an apple tree.

I sit below an apple tree
And watch the day before me
The woods are calm and so am I
With a good book by my side
When it starts to rain
I know that things are ok
Cause I have a poncho
And a thermos
With a little bit of cocoa
I was comfortable just sitting
When an apple fell from the tree


And landed on top of me
A little melodramatic
I didn’t discover gravity

Or anything…

News is good
But a story’s better
Especially when it’s funny
When a writer cares
It’s never about money.


I want to roll down this hill
Just to see if I get hurt
Maybe I won’t
Maybe I will
I double-dog dare me.
As I sit below this apple tree.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Who Am I?

When I look at myself,
I see someone in side of me,
Who tells me something every
day that just be yourself instead
of someone else. Be yourself toher
wise on one will like you
Let people find out who you
really are. Because if you don't
how will people know who you really
are! One thing I know is don't judge
yourself god made you the way you
are!! That is what's important.
Don't let anyone fool you of
who you are.

I wrote this poem when I first came to this school because I was afraid that I wouldn't fit in with everyone else. So I hope you like what I wrote for you.....

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Tha Pain...

He suffers from the pain
Not knowing where it came from
Not knowing what to do about it
How did it get here, when is it going to leave
The pain must be strong, if he won't let go
Not knowing what to say, not knowing what to think
Just looking sad like your heart was broken
Like there is nothing left of you to fill your heart
The pain must be strong, not knowing
What is wrong with you
Looking said like your heart was broken
Hopefully it's not
Hopefully everything is going to be all right
The pain should go away, the pain must go away
So, your heart can get filled with happiness
And so you dont' have to deal
With the pain, no more

I thought of this poem last year. Not sure what was going through my mind at the time, but this poem came out of my head so I wrote it down. hope you all like it...