Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I’m sorry if I ever hurt you.
I’m sorry if I ever lied to you.
All that matters now though,
Is that we are together
And I will never let you go again.
I love you too much
To make this mistake again
Now I can tell you
What I should have told you,
A long time ago. I love you.


Ali(solation) said...

I like this poem a lot. Though it doesn't sound like me or something I have experienced but if that has happened I suppose it would be really good. But I like it anyway!

Tonya said...

Excellent poem. I like this one out of all of the ones you have written. You are excellent at writing your peotry. I am very proud of you Shay.

Your sis...

Becca said...

I agree with both Ali and Tonya.

I like it. Good job.

(akw)Stretch said...

I would have to agree with Alison and Tonya as well. You are a very great poet.